Booking lines for the 2024 Arran Mountain Festival are now open. Click here to book.
For any booking related queries, please contact our bookings provider Arran Adventure on or tel. 01770 303347.

A’Chir Ridge Scramble

THE festival activity not to be missed for those who relish some serious rock clambering and have a head for heights! The A'Chir is a superb mountain ridge, easily providing one of the most exciting and challenging days out in the Arran hills.

However, it is not to be underestimated: This adventurous activity will expose participants to vertical drops and hands-on rock clambering. Participants will be roped for safety during the traverse.

 | Overview


Highest Point Gained
745m - A’Chir

Total Ascent

Walk Duration

Very narrow and exposed ridge with steep drops, rated as a ‘moderate’ rock climb. Hands-on rock clambering and climbing, for which a head for heights and good balance is required. Steep ascents and descents on rough mountain paths.

Technical Rating
Ropework, extreme exposure, head for heights essential.

Endurance Rating
Sustained steep ascents and descents, long-distance, stamina required, suitable for fit walkers. Have you had recent experience of walking for 6-8 hours? Have you recently walked up (and down) a mountain of over 1000m (3000ft) in height without physical distress? Do you regularly play an aerobic sport pretty much every week? If your answer is "No", we'd guess you'd be happier doing a walk rated a level lower than the one you’ve just read! As noted previously, we're into FUN so we don't want you to miss out by overdoing it.


Saturday 18 May 2024
Sunday 19 May 2024

Meeting Time

Meeting Place

Glen Rosa (exact location will be confirmed upon booking).

Booking Link

 | Photo Gallery

 | Walk description

There is plenty of time to warm up before the going gets tough: The walk into Glen Rosa makes for a relatively gentle start. After crossing the bridge over the Garbh Allt, the route turns uphill following the water course at first and then the ridge to the summit of Beinn a’Chliabhain (653m). Its flanks and lofty heights afford fabulous views to the A’Chir ridge and beyond. Glen Rosa stretches out below. The ridge itself is a wee bit scrambly, giving a foretaste of things to come.

Continuing to the Bowman’s Pass, A’Chir is getting closer and the awesome walls of Coire Daingean should be in full view. After the pass, the traverse of A’Chir’s ridge starts in earnest and it is time to get the harnesses and ropes out – the A’Chir ridge truly packs a punch. Seriously steep and exposed scrambling up and over steep slabs leads to the summit, where luckily the leaders are on hand to provide extra help to counter gravity which will be much appreciated when attempting to scale the airy summit boulder. But the real difficulties still lie ahead! Soon after the summit, participants will be ‘roped up’ on certain downward steps and slabs, leading to the famed Mauvais Pas, or “bad step”, which requires scramblers to gingerly step across an airy sequence of rocks. Once across, a larger vertical descent awaits, to pass the “bicycle step” after which an awkwardly slanting climb forms the last of the ‘tricky’ bits and soon after, the saddle between A’Chir & Cir Mhor is reached.

The descent in to Fionn Choire allows views back to the difficulties just traversed and leads back down in to Glen Rosa and a ‘relaxing’ walk back out the start.

This activity will be led by local Mountain Leaders specifically trained and assessed to guide on the A’Chir ridge.

Participants MUST have a good level of fitness, a head for heights, be surefooted and ideally have some previous scrambling experience.

A full traverse of the A’Chir ridge is dependent on good conditions on the day. In the interests of group safety, the route may be adapted accordingly. In bad weather, one option can be to bypass the more technical section north of the summit.

Route Profile

 | Advised Kit List

Essential hill gear

  • NO jeans – anyone wearing jeans will not be allowed to start the walk, and no refund will be possible
  • Stout hill walking boots
  • Appropriate walking trousers, top layers and fleece – preferably no cotton layers
  • Waterproof (not showerproof) trousers
  • Waterproof (not showerproof) jacket
  • Spare layers
  • Woollen or fleece hat
  • Gloves
  • Packed lunch and drink - please consider the use of re-useable water bottles and food wrapping.
  • Any personal medicines

Other recommended kit

  • Sun cream and insect repellent
  • Camera
  • Binoculars
  • Spare socks
  • Blister plasters

Booking lines for the 2024 Arran Mountain Festival are now open. Click here to book.
For any booking related queries, please contact our bookings provider Arran Adventure on or tel. 01770 303347.